Arion - Tra Roma e Napoli
Arion was joined by musicians from Il Concerto Suave, featuring soprano Maria Cristina Kiehr. She has a rich stong voice and sang for the greater part of the concert. The concert began with Correa Nel Seno Amato, a cantata by Alessandro Scarlatti. I did not find the piece that interesting. In parts it was quite repetetive. Kiehr's voice was particularly nice in the lower register. I found it less satisfying in the upper range of her voice.
The extracts from the oratorio Il Primo Omicidio were more interesting. It started with a beautiful solo violin part. The orchestra sounded great throughout. The concert could have used more variety in the selection of music.
The extracts from the oratorio Il Primo Omicidio were more interesting. It started with a beautiful solo violin part. The orchestra sounded great throughout. The concert could have used more variety in the selection of music.